Dear “friends of Earth” Namaste,

I thank you for visiting our website. Your interest, will certainly encourage my team and me to continue our efforts as “friends of Earth”.

As we stand testimony to the unprecedented development that has happened from beginning of 20th century till date, we also know very well that the economic and material development has taken its toll on the natural resources including severe degradation of the environment.

If we allow this degradation to continue any further, for sure it’s going to challenge the future healthy existence of human race on planet Earth. Climate change has become an eminent threat to Gen-Next and restoring Nature’s balance is going to take decades. It’s therefore time that we do something now, before it's too late.

I therefore urge one and all to pause and think of ways to arrest further deterioration and also commit ourselves to contribute towards restoring the environment at the levels that once prevailed. After all, none of us would not like to be blamed by generations to come for having lived irresponsibly.

We have embarked on a journey to restore the environment. In this journey we are being joined by our esteemed business associates who collaborate with us to support our mission of increasing Earth's Green cover.

Under this program “friends of Earth”, Neem trees (Azadirachta Indica) are being planted. We chose Neem because of its proven multifarious contributions to the society and environment.

Having planted the tree, it requires some years of care and nurturing. For this to happen, an emotional bond with the tree becomes a necessity. To make the event memorable, we insist that the day of the plantation coincides with either the birthday, anniversary of the individual or their loved ones or any other occasion where family members are involved.

The planted Neem Tree is named as “HEIDELBERGCEMENT Tree”.

Post plantation, business associate is conferred a membership of our prestigious club “friends of Earth” and will be entitled to preferential treatment linked to the size of the business they do with us. Annually we will evaluate the development of the tree and the best maintained and flourishing tree of the year will be awarded on Forest Day the 21st of March.

We have created this website to track the trees being planted and its stages of development. It will also serve as a memory album for the future generations to appreciate the contributions their elders made to safeguard the future generations.

HeidelbergCement Group, having obligated itself to build on the three pillars of ecology, economy and social responsibility, has earned the distinction of being a good corporate citizen. Contributing to the growth of the economy while simultaneously conserving the environment and natural resources, our unrelenting focus on sustainability brings us closer to being known as “friends of Earth”.

With sustainability goals in sharp focus, we stay committed to - “make the world a wonderful place to live for generations to come”.

Yours sincerely

Jamshed N Cooper