
– the tree for the present and future

Neem is a native of Indian subcontinent, i.e. India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and Maldives. Over the centuries, every part of the neem tree has been delivering proven medicinal benefits. The tree has an average life span of 200 years.

In the Indian Vedas, Neem is also called “Arista” in Sanskrit- a word that means “perfect, complete and imperishable”. “Nimba” also means “to give good health”. Its curative properties were discovered in India sometime in 4th century BC.

The Neem tree is known for its drought resistance and flourishes in tropical and semi-tropical regions. Its temperature tolerance is quite high. At 32°C, the neem tree feels at home, and can tolerate temperatures of up to 50°C. It is one of the most preferred and known among shade-giving trees and planted for shade lining streets, around temples, schools and public buildings or in most people's back yards. Its attractive green colour remains soothing and inviting as always.

Neem trees provide ideal CO2 balance thus making it the natural “air conditioner”. The roots of Neem have a consolidating effect on the soil thus preventing its erosion which to an extent provides protection during earthquakes. Its decomposing leaves improve the soil climate (nitrate/nitrogen) by quickly regenerating leached soils and turning it into fertile land

Neem tree, flowers and bears fruits once in four to five years. Neem oil is extracted from the fruit and is used in a variety of areas such as natural pesticide; for combating and preventing insects, roundworms, mites and fungi, as well as in the manufacture of cosmetics and naturopathy. The press-cake left after oil extraction makes a good fertilizer. A broth made from its leaves is commonly used for pest control in animals thus protecting them against ticks, lice and fleas.

Neem is most popular for its twigs being used as a toothbrush. It's also popular for its mosquito repellent properties lending protection against malaria and dengue fever. Dried neem leaves are burnt to fumigate areas and repel mosquitoes.

Neem oil is extensively used in soap products, medicines, cosmetics and oral hygiene. Over centuries, its use has effectively combated a variety of pathogens (anti-bacteria, anti-viral, anti-fungal), mange mites, lice, ticks, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing; for skin-healing: ulcers, mouth sores, canker sores, Immunomodulation, antimalarial, anti-worm, diuretic, anti-diabetes, anti- carcinogen, contraceptive/spermicide, central nervous system (CNS) effects (meningitis), a liver-strengthening agent, a sedative/ tranquilizer, heart/circulation, antifungal (e.g. neem leaf powder combats Candida albicans).

Its use as an pesticide in protecting crops such as; Eggplants, cabbages, cucumbers, lettuce, potatoes, okra, onions, garlic, tomatoes, avocados, bananas, grapes, citrus plants, mangoes, melons, papayas, strawberries, apples, cotton, sugar cane, coffee have been applauded. It's a strong repellent to - Aphids, caterpillars, fruit flies, leaf miners/ insect larvae, thrips, scale insects /whiteflies, spider mites, roundworms, stem borer/moth larvae of bollworm/caterpillar. Neem leaves and tree bark is added while storing various grains, beans, corn/maize, rice and potatoes for effective protection against insect infestations.

With proven exemplary properties, our neem is praised as being the quintessential tree ideal for resolving most of the global challenges as they exist and in the future too.